Academic Journal

Identifying magic-number structures of supported sub-nano Ni clusters and the influence of hydrogen coverage: a density functional theory based particle swarm optimization investigation.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Identifying magic-number structures of supported sub-nano Ni clusters and the influence of hydrogen coverage: a density functional theory based particle swarm optimization investigation.
Authors: Ma, Qitang, Zhu, Houyu, Liu, Dongyuan, Li, Rui, Li, Tuya, Ren, Hao, Zhao, Wen, Pan, Yuan, Liu, Yunqi, Guo, Wenyue
Source: Catalysis Science & Technology; 4/7/2023, Vol. 13 Issue 7, p2080-2091, 12p
ISSN: 20444753
DOI: 10.1039/d3cy00037k
Database: Complementary Index