Academic Journal

Critiquing Neocolonial Digital Barriers' Impact on eLibraries and African Scholarship.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Critiquing Neocolonial Digital Barriers' Impact on eLibraries and African Scholarship.
Authors: Heyward‐Rotimi, Kamela
Source: Annals of Anthropological Practice; May2023, Vol. 47 Issue 1, p5-19, 15p
Abstract: This article offers an overview of the Knowledge Exchange Research Group (KERG) West African Elibrary Collaborative (WAELC) study of West African scholars' systemic restricted access to digitized scholarly databases. WAELC, an ongoing qualitative and quantitative study, explores limited accessibility to current open‐access digital repositories and platforms at some African universities. A practical output of the study is to inform the development of a sustainable institutional repository and support the development of an open‐access multimodal digital platform that will feature scholarly and creative works of global Black people. The WAELC data addresses gaps in previous research on library access and usage at African universities and critically responds to the general African Digital Divide literature. A central focus of this article is to discuss the sociocultural and historical practices and processes that shape current digital access to electronic scholarship in Africa. Foregrounded in a Black feminist autoethnographic approach, the author's research process and researcher positionality were central to developing the WAELC research project. A significant finding of this research is that the systemic inequities framing global knowledge access and production in Global South institutions are reproduced in infrastructures weakened from colonial, neocolonial, and neoliberal social, political, and economic systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: INSTITUTIONAL repositories, SCHOLARLY method, BLACK feminists, DIGITAL divide, DEVELOPING countries, RESEARCHER positionality
Geographic Terms: NIGERIA, AFRICA
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ISSN: 2153957X
DOI: 10.1111/napa.12193
Database: Complementary Index