Academic Journal

The Role of Sufism in the Formation of Contemporary Iranian Music.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Role of Sufism in the Formation of Contemporary Iranian Music.
Authors: Mirbagheri Fard, Sayyed Ali Asghar, Reisi, Ehsan
Source: Religions; Dec2023, Vol. 14 Issue 12, p1483, 15p
Abstract: Sufism has played a critical role, particularly in the past millennium, as one of the most significant cultural components in the history of Iran. And approximately all cultural factors, including arts, politics, economics, and the educational and training system, have been directly and indirectly influenced by the Sufi culture. One such factor is music, which has been uninterruptedly intertwined with Sufism for years. The present paper strives to investigate the extent to which and the ways in which Sufism has influenced contemporary Iranian music. The answer to this research inquiry is crucial for understanding the impacts of Sufism in the contemporary era and dissecting Iranian music, most specifically the Persian modal system (dastgāh). Despite the significant factors that contribute to the Persian musical system, the literature on the topic remains scarce. This research uses historical and research analysis, as well as the results of a field study conducted over the past two decades in the educational atmosphere of the Iranian musical system, to answer the research questions. The findings suggest that contemporary Iranian music has derived considerable influence from Sufi subjects, concepts, and teachings, and evolved thereafter, with dramatic impacts in two epochs: (1) throughout the thirties and forties HS; and (2) in the wake of the Islamic revolution. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: SUFISM, IRANIAN history, RESEARCH questions, SOCIOCULTURAL factors, HISTORICAL analysis
Geographic Terms: IRAN
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ISSN: 20771444
DOI: 10.3390/rel14121483
Database: Complementary Index