Academic Journal


Bibliographic Details
Authors: MEZEI, Adina-Maria
Source: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philologia; Dec2023, Vol. 68 Issue 4, p241-266, 26p
Subject Terms: ARTIFICIAL intelligence, PROGRESS, PARAPHRASE
Alternate Title: Parafrazarea în engleza pentru scopuri academice și specifice: activități de predare dirijate de profesor, cu sprijinul inteligenței artificiale sau comunicative. (Romanian)
Abstract (English): At the heart of progress in academia lies the principle of building upon other people’s ideas, linguistic expressions and/or scientific endeavours by taking note of invariably crediting the original author (Mori 2018). One way of doing this is by the usage of paraphrasing. Though paraphrasing is regarded as the prerogative of successful academic thinking and writing, what it means exactly is still ambiguous to some extent. After undertaking to formulate some working definitions, we discuss paraphrasing techniques and activities in the context of teaching English for Specific Academic Purposes to students majoring in Biology. The activities considered are grouped into three main categories with respect to the procedure involved: teacher-guided (with a focus on certain parts of a sentence/text as selected by the teacher), AI-assisted (linked to the usage of automated paraphrasing tools) and communicative (tasks having a connection to real-world communicative needs). Some examples are discussed with the purpose of determining their appropriateness in a teaching context. The article sketches an initial paraphrasing teaching toolkit, developing mainly the first category, and ends with considerations regarding future research, such as the development and implementation of AI-assisted tasks and the analysis of inferential and rhetorical processes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Romanian): I n centrul progresului î n mediul academic se afla principiul dezvolta rii cunoas terii prin î ntrebuint area ideilor, expresiilor lingvistice s i/sau î ntreprinderilor s tiint ifice ale altor oameni, fa ca nd referire î n mod invariabil la autorul init ial (Mori 2018). Una din modalita t ile prin care se realizeaza acest fapt este prin intermediul parafraza rii. Des i parafrazarea este considerata a fi apanajul ga ndirii s i scrierii academice de succes, î nsemna tatea sa este î nca î nconjurata de o anumita ambiguitate. Dupa ce elabora m ca teva definit ii de lucru, vom discuta despre tehnici s i activita t i de parafrazare î n contextul preda rii limbii engleze pentru scopuri specifice s i academice student ilor de la profilul Biologie. Activita t ile discutate sunt grupate î n trei categorii î n funct ie de procedura aplicata : dirijate de profesor (axate pe anumite pa rt i ale unei propozit ii/unui text selectat(e) de profesor), cu sprijinul inteligenței artificiale (ava nd o lega tura cu instrumente automate de parafrazare) s i comunicative (sarcini care au o lega tura cu necesita t ile de comunicare din lumea reala ). Se discuta ca teva exemple cu scopul stabilirii funct ionalita t ii lor î ntr-un context de predare. Articolul propune un instrumentar pedagogic init ial, dezvolta nd mai ales prima categorie s i se î ncheie cu considerat ii privind cerceta ri viitoare, cum ar fi dezvoltarea s i implementarea unor activita t i cu sprijinul inteligenței artificiale s i analiza proceselor de tip inferent ial s i retoric. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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ISSN: 12200484
DOI: 10.24193/subbphilo.2023.4.12
Database: Complementary Index