Academic Journal

The Political Theology and Polemical Tactics of Bruno Bauer.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Political Theology and Polemical Tactics of Bruno Bauer.
Authors: Barbour, Charles
Source: European Legacy; Mar2024, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p143-165, 23p
Abstract: This article contributes to an ongoing revival of interest in the intellectual history of the German Vormärz, and to an emerging body of scholarship on the influential political philosopher and Bible scholar Bruno Bauer (1809–1882). While, during much of the twentieth century, Bauer was remembered primarily for his relationship with the Young Marx, more recent scholarship has attempted to examine his work on its own terms, and to consider his unique contributions to the history of republicanism and radicalism in particular. But to date, no one has provided a systematic and synoptic account of his theology during the crucial years of 1838 to 1843. This article aims to fill that gap in the literature. It argues that Bauer's political thought cannot be understood independently of his theology, his church and religious histories, and his Bible criticism. In doing so, it provides new insights into the significance of theology for the polemical debates of the Vormärz more generally. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: APOLOGETICS, POLITICAL philosophy, BIBLICAL scholars, INTELLECTUAL history, SCHOLARLY method, POLITICAL theology
Reviews & Products: BIBLE
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ISSN: 10848770
DOI: 10.1080/10848770.2023.2275879
Database: Complementary Index