Academic Journal

Exploring Caregivers' Clothing Choices for Individuals With Severe Alzheimer's Disease: An Application of the Theories of Self-Complexity and Choosing for Others.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Exploring Caregivers' Clothing Choices for Individuals With Severe Alzheimer's Disease: An Application of the Theories of Self-Complexity and Choosing for Others.
Authors: Chang, Hyo Jung, Shin, Su-Jeong Hwang, Hodges, Nancy
Source: Clothing & Textiles Research Journal; Apr2024, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p153-168, 16p
Abstract: The number of older Americans as well as those living with Alzheimer's is rapidly growing. Alzheimer's dementia is a disease that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. The role of caregivers is important, as they are the individuals who assist those with Alzheimer's in completing not just medical tasks, but fundamental activities of daily living, such as selecting garments to wear and getting dressed. The purpose of this study was to understand how caregivers make such choices. Interviews with twelve caregivers of individuals with severe stage Alzheimer's were conducted in nursing homes in the United States. Four themes emerged: The Role of Proxy, Routine Selections, Gift-Giving for Loved Ones, and Triangular Relationships. In all cases, the recipient's preferences were important to caregivers' choices. Further research on the outcomes of making choices for others is needed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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ISSN: 0887302X
DOI: 10.1177/0887302X211053988
Database: Complementary Index