
Ascendancy of nanoparticles coated vaccines and their role in future of vaccinology.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Ascendancy of nanoparticles coated vaccines and their role in future of vaccinology.
Authors: Sarwan, Jyoti, Kumari, Shalu, Karn, Renu Yadav Pragati, Sharma, Janmay Jai, Tandon, Ayushi, Prathimesh, Katna, Deepanshu, Bose, Jagadeesh Chandra
Source: E3S Web of Conferences; 4/8/2024, Vol. 509, p1-19, 19p
ISSN: 22671242
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202450902005
Database: Complementary Index