Academic Journal

Preference for novel biomedical HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis methods among adolescent girls and young women in Kampala, Uganda: a mixed methods study.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Preference for novel biomedical HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis methods among adolescent girls and young women in Kampala, Uganda: a mixed methods study.
Authors: Mayanja, Yunia, Kayesu, Ivy, Kamacooko, Onesmus, Lunkuse, Jane Frances, Muturi-Kioi, Vincent, Price, Matt, Kosidou, Kyriaki, Ekström, Anna Mia
Source: Frontiers in Public Health; 2024, p01-15, 15p
ISSN: 22962565
DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1369256
Database: Complementary Index