An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation.

Bibliographic Details
Title: An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation.
Authors: Rhodes, P. J.
Source: Journal of Hellenic Studies; 2005, Vol. 125, p171-172, 2p
Abstract: The article reviews the book "An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation," edited by M.H. Hansen and T.H. Nielsen.
Reviews & Products: INVENTORY of Archaic & Classical Poleis: An Investigation Conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation, An (Book)
People: HANSEN, M. H., NIELSEN, T. H.
ISSN: 00754269
DOI: 10.1017/S0075426900007321
Database: Complementary Index