Genomics and Pharmacogenomics in Anticancer Drug Development and Clinical Response.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Genomics and Pharmacogenomics in Anticancer Drug Development and Clinical Response.
Authors: Gardner, E. R., Figg, W. D.
Source: Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Feb2009, Vol. 85 Issue 2, p124-125, 2p, 1 Color Photograph
Abstract: The article reviews the book "Genomics and Pharmacogenomics in Anticancer Drug Development and Clinical Response," edited by Federico Innocenti.
Reviews & Products: GENOMICS & Pharmacogenomics in Anticancer Drug Development & Clinical Response (Book)
People: INNOCENTI, Federico
ISSN: 00099236
DOI: 10.1038/clpt.2008.260
Database: Complementary Index