Riding the New Wave: Youth and the Rejuvenation of France after the Second World War.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Riding the New Wave: Youth and the Rejuvenation of France after the Second World War.
Source: American Historical Review; Feb2009, Vol. 114 Issue 1, p218-219, 2p
Abstract: This article reviews the book "Riding the New Wave: Youth and the Rejuvenation of France after the Second World War," by Richard Ivan Jobs.
Subject Terms: FRENCH history, 1945-, NONFICTION
Reviews & Products: RIDING the New Wave: Youth & the Rejuvenation of France After the Second World War (Book)
People: JOBS, Richard Ivan
ISSN: 00028762
DOI: 10.1086/ahr.114.1.218
Database: Complementary Index