The political economy of South-East Asia; Markets, power and contestation.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The political economy of South-East Asia; Markets, power and contestation.
Authors: Henley, David
Source: Journal of the Humanities & Social Sciences of Southeast Asia & Oceania / Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde; 2010, Vol. 166 Issue 2/3, p362-363, 2p
Abstract: The article reviews the book "The Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Markets, Power and Contestation," edited by Gary Rodan, Kevin Hewison and Richard Robison.
Subject Terms: ECONOMIC conditions in Southeast Asia, NONFICTION
Reviews & Products: POLITICAL Economy of Southeast Asia: Markets, Power & Contestation, The (Book)
People: RODAN, Gary, HEWISON, Kevin, ROBISON, Richard
ISSN: 00062294
Database: Complementary Index