
prepub alert.

Bibliographic Details
Title: prepub alert.
Authors: Hoffert, Barbara
Source: Library Journal; 5/15/2011, Vol. 136 Issue 9, p61-66, 4p, 2 Color Photographs
Abstract: The article presents brief descriptions of several books including "The Wandering Falcon" by Jamil Ahmad, "Lost Memory of Skin" by Russell Banks, and "The Night Strangers" by Chris Bohjalian.
Reviews & Products: WANDERING Falcon, The (Book), LOST Memory of Skin (Book), NIGHT Strangers, The (Book)
People: AHMAD, Jamil, 1933-2014, BANKS, Russell, 1940-2023, BOHJALIAN, Chris
ISSN: 03630277
Database: Complementary Index
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