Hispanics in Twenty-First Century America.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Hispanics in Twenty-First Century America.
Authors: Massey, Douglas S.
Source: Contemporary Sociology; Sep2012, Vol. 41 Issue 5, p602-606, 5p
Abstract: The article reviews the books "Growing Up Hispanic: Health and Development of Children of Immigrants," edited by Nancy S. Landale, Susan McHale and Alan Booth, and "Hispanics in the United States: A Demographic, Social and Economic History, 1980-2005," by Laird W. Bergad and Herbert S. Klein.
Subject Terms: NONFICTION
Reviews & Products: GROWING up Hispanic: Health & Development of Children of Immigrants (Book), HISPANICS in the United States: A Demographic, Social & Economic History 1980-2005 (Book)
People: LANDALE, Nancy S., BOOTH, Alan, BERGAD, Laird W., KLEIN, Herbert S.
ISSN: 00943061
DOI: 10.1177/0094306112457657d
Database: Complementary Index