Along the Oral-Written Continuum: Types of Texts, Relations and their Implications.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Along the Oral-Written Continuum: Types of Texts, Relations and their Implications.
Authors: Jefferies, Diana
Source: Parergon; 2012, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p300-302, 3p
Abstract: The article reviews the book "Along the Oral-Written Continuum: Types of Texts, Relations and their Implications," edited by Slavica Rankovic, Leidulf Melve and Else Mundal.
Reviews & Products: ALONG the Oral-Written Continuum: Types of Texts, Relations & Their Implications (Book)
People: RANKOVIC, Slavica, MELVE, Leidulf, MUNDAL, Else
ISSN: 03136221
DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2012.0078
Database: Complementary Index