Catastrophe at Spithead: The sinking of the 'Royal George': by H. L. Rubinstein, Seaforth 2020, £25 (hb), 228 pages, illustrations, bibliography, index, isbn 9781526764997.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Catastrophe at Spithead: The sinking of the 'Royal George': by H. L. Rubinstein, Seaforth 2020, £25 (hb), 228 pages, illustrations, bibliography, index, isbn 9781526764997.
Authors: Bingeman, John M.
Source: Mariner's Mirror; Aug2020, Vol. 106 Issue 3, p362-365, 4p
ISSN: 00253359
DOI: 10.1080/00253359.2020.1780793
Database: Supplemental Index