Converting Intermediate Code to Assembly Code Using Declarative Machine Descriptions.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Converting Intermediate Code to Assembly Code Using Declarative Machine Descriptions.
Authors: Mycroft, Alan, Zeller, Andreas, Dias, João, Ramsey, Norman
Source: Compiler Construction (9783540330509); 2006, p217-231, 15p
Abstract: Writing an optimizing back end is expensive, in part because it requires mastery of both a target machine and a compiler's internals. We separate these concerns by isolating target-machine knowledge in declarative machine descriptions. We then analyze these descriptions to automatically generate machine-specific components of the back end. In this work, we generate a recognizer; this component, which identifies register transfers that correspond to target-machine instructions, plays a key role in instruction selection in such compilers as vpo, gcc and Quick C-. We present analyses and transformations that address the major challenge in generating a recognizer: accounting for compile-time abstractions not present in a machine description, including variables, pseudo-registers, stack slots, and labels. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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DOI: 10.1007/11688839_18
Database: Supplemental Index