Interacting Deformable Objects.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Interacting Deformable Objects.
Authors: Viergever, Max, Rosenhahn, Bodo, Klette, Reinhard, Metaxas, Dimitris, Teschner, Matthias, Heidelberger, Bruno, Müller-Fischer, Matthias
Source: Human Motion; 2008, p561-596, 36p
Abstract: This chapter discusses approaches for the efficient simulation of interacting deformable objects. Due to their computing efficiency, these methods might be employed in the model-based analysis of human motion. The realistic simulation of geometrically complex deformable objects at interactive rates comprises a number of challenging problems, including deformable modelling, collision detection, and collision response. This chapter proposes efficient models and algorithms for these three simulation components. Further, it discusses the interplay of the components in order to implement an interactive system for interacting deformable objects. A versatile and robust model for geometrically complex solids is employed to compute the dynamic behavior of deformable objects. The model considers elastic and plastic deformation. It handles a large variety of material properties ranging from stiff to fluid-like behavior. Due to the computing efficiency of the approach, complex environments consisting of up to several thousand primitives can be simulated at interactive speed. Collisions and self-collisions of dynamically deforming objects are detected with a spatial subdivision approach. The presented algorithm employs a hash table for representing a potentially infinite regular spatial grid. Although the hash table does not enable a unique mapping of grid cells, it can be processed very efficiently and complex data structures are avoided. Collisions are resolved with a penalty approach, i.e., the penetration depth of a colliding primitive is processed to compute a force that resolves the collision. The presented method considers the fact that only sampled collision information is available. In particular, the presented solution avoids non-plausible collision responses in case of large penetrations due to discrete simulation steps. Further, the problem of discontinuous directions of the penalty forces due to coarse surface representations is addressed. All presented models and algorithms process tetrahedral meshes with triangulated surfaces. Due to the computing efficiency of all simulation components, complex environments consisting of up to several thousand tetrahedrons can be simulated at interactive speed. For visualization purposes, tetrahedral meshes are coupled with high-resolution surface meshes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6693-1_23
Database: Supplemental Index