Categorial foundations.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Categorial foundations.
Authors: Knobloch, Eberhard, Scholz, Erhard, Andersen, K., Buchwald, D., Bos, H. J. M., Bottazzini, U., Buchwald, J. Z., Chemla, K., Demidov, S. S., Fellmann, E. A., Folkerts, M., Galison, P., Grattan-Guinness, I., Gray, J., Halleux, R., Hildebrandt, S., Meinel, Ch., Peiffer, J., Purkert, W., Rowe, D.
Source: Tool & Object; 2006, p281-302, 22p
Abstract: Mathematics in the 20th century was marked by an extensive discussion of its foundations. The subdisciplines set theory, model theory and proof theory emerged at least partly as scientific methods for foundational research511. The task of giving mathematics a foundation was taken up by the mathematicians themselves as well as by philosophers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7643-7524-9_7
Database: Supplemental Index