Academic Journal

Examining the Intersection of Prophetic Hadith and Intellect: Authenticity, Contradiction, and Scholarly Perspectives

Bibliographic Details
Title: Examining the Intersection of Prophetic Hadith and Intellect: Authenticity, Contradiction, and Scholarly Perspectives
Authors: Habiburrahman Rizapoor, Naqibuddin Qazizada, Ahmad Maulidizen
Source: Jurnal Ushuluddin, Vol 32, Iss 1, Pp 1-13 (2024)
Subject Terms: prophetic hadith, weakness, intellect, authentication, muslim scholars, scholarly discourse, Philosophy. Psychology. Religion, Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc., BP1-610
Publisher Information: Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, 2024.
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: LCC:Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
LCC:Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc.
Description: This article critically examines the question of whether a prophetic Hadith can be considered weak if it conflicts with intellect. The research employs analytical and library research methods, drawing on a range of scholarly works including books, academic articles, and writings by Muslim scholars spanning both the classical and contemporary eras.This study reveals that when the authenticity of a Hadith is uncertain and it contradicts intellect, it can be deemed weak. However, if a Hadith is deemed authentic by Hadith scholars despite its contradiction with intellect, two distinct theories emerge among Muslim scholars. The first theory, supported by many classical scholars and their contemporary followers, argues that a correct Hadith never opposes the intellect. According to this perspective, a sound and clear intellect will never contradict an authentic Hadith. In contrast, the second theory, advocated by modern Muslim scholars and some classical scholars, posits that a prophetic Hadith should be considered weak if it conflicts with intellect.The findings of this paper indicate that a prophetic Hadith, when narrated through a strong chain of narrators tracing back to the Prophet Muhammad, cannot inherently contradict the intellect. However, if a Hadith contradicts sound intellect, it can serve as a valid reason to question its authenticity and consider it weak. Through a comprehensive analysis of the scholarly discourse surrounding this topic, this study provides a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between prophetic Hadith and intellect. It underscores the importance of rigorous authentication processes, emphasizing the need to consider the reliability of the Hadith chain and the principles of intellectual reasoning when assessing the strength or weakness of a prophetic Hadith
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 1412-0909
DOI: 10.24014/jush.v32i1.22749
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Accession Number: edsdoj.2cb1115e7128431983b4683d23ed9851
ISSN: 1412090924078247
DOI: 10.24014/jush.v32i1.22749
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals