Academic Journal

Capital-abdulhamid or impressions of uzbek poet zevkî from istanbul travel

Bibliographic Details
Title: Capital-abdulhamid or impressions of uzbek poet zevkî from istanbul travel
Authors: Murad Halmet
Source: Uluslararası Türk Lehçe Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol 7, Iss 2, Pp 279-286 (2023)
Subject Terms: poet zevkî, pilgrimage, istanbul, sultan abdulhamid ii, Language and Literature, Ural-Altaic languages, PH1-5490
Publisher Information: Uluslararası Türk Lehçe Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023.
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: LCC:Language and Literature
LCC:Ural-Altaic languages
Description: During the reign of Yavuz Sultan Selim, İstanbul became the center of the caliphate, and the pilgirimage route of the Turkestanis was turned to İstanbul. They stayed here for a while and visited the caliph sultan as much as possible and showed respect. The road safety of the pilgrims coming from Turkestan was provided by the Ottoman state. Therefore, pilgrims were taken to pilgrimage accompanied by Ottoman Turkic soldiers. At the beginning of the 20th century, one of those who went on a pilgrimage through İstanbul was the Uzbek Zevkî. As a tradition, during the pilgrimage, Zevkî first came to İstanbul, where the caliphate was located, and stayed there for a while. During his stay, he visited İstanbul, which overlooks the Bosphorus, and was fascinated by its beauties. Later, he wrote a poem and presented the beutiful landscapes and cases he saw to the people of Turkestan. The poem in question is of great importance in terms of introducing İstanbul, the capital of Western Turkic peoples through description. The poet painted a portrait of İstanbul with words, almost like painter. The subjects reflected in the poem are the beauties and the nature of the capital İstanbul, the mosques in the city, as well as the ruler of the period, the caliph of the Muslim peoples, Sultan Abdulhamid Han II; his works which he did for the development of his homeland, nation and Islam, his relationship with his people, and loving him by his people.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: Azerbaijani
Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
Uighur; Uyghur
ISSN: 2587-1293
DOI: 10.30563/turklad.1308547
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Accession Number: edsdoj.2e608945a0184631a5157c5d7efae4b5
ISSN: 25871293
DOI: 10.30563/turklad.1308547
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals