Academic Journal

Teaching Greek mythology through a scenario-based game

Bibliographic Details
Title: Teaching Greek mythology through a scenario-based game
Authors: Gina Salapata, Jonathan Tracy, Kevan Loke
Source: The Journal of Classics Teaching, Vol 25, Pp 22-32 (2024)
Subject Terms: Trojan War, Homer, Geometric style, scenario-based game, active learning, Theory and practice of education, LB5-3640, Ancient history, D51-90, Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature, PA
Publisher Information: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: LCC:Theory and practice of education
LCC:Ancient history
LCC:Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature
Description: In this article, we showcase the pilot scenario of The Trojan War, an educational self-directed game that combines text inspired by ancient Greek (as well as Roman) literature with graphics based on the ‘Geometric style’, an authentic Greek style of painting contemporary with the composition of the Homeric epics. Our game uses interactive scenarios to support active learning strategies of students interested in Classical Studies in both tertiary and secondary education. Players can take on the role of key characters, making choices that can prevent, start, or stop the Trojan War, as well as determine their own personal outcomes. The learners are thus presented with the opportunity to explore alternative pathways to rewrite the history of the War. In the process, they can apply their subject knowledge and develop their intellectual and critical skills. They also become familiar with a distinctive and expressive early Greek artistic style, the so-called Geometric. Rather than focusing on winning, the game aims to give students the opportunity to engage with important ideas and values of ancient Greek culture by exploring multiple perspectives on the topic. It also provides a valuable lesson on the potentially wide-ranging consequences of individual choices, which is a core element of responsible citizenship.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 20586310
DOI: 10.1017/S2058631023000752
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Accession Number: edsdoj.33b9ea215c73435cbcd6faec7c79fc79
ISSN: 20586310
DOI: 10.1017/S2058631023000752
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals