Academic Journal

Discusses the Narrative Elements of Retelling Traditional Myths in Chinese Animated Films: A Case Study of New Gods: Nezha Reborn (2021)

Bibliographic Details
Title: Discusses the Narrative Elements of Retelling Traditional Myths in Chinese Animated Films: A Case Study of New Gods: Nezha Reborn (2021)
Authors: Han Zhao, Jasni Dolah
Source: Herança (2024)
Subject Terms: Chinese Animated Films, Retelling Myth, National Culture, Narrative Element, Realism-Criticism, Auxiliary sciences of history, History (General), D1-2009
Publisher Information: Ponteditora, 2024.
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: LCC:Auxiliary sciences of history
LCC:History (General)
Description: Due to policy support and capital promotion, retelling traditional mythological stories in animated movies has become a cultural creation trend. Among them, New Gods: Nezha Reborn (2021) is a typical controversial work in recent years that deserves in-depth analysis and discussion. From the perspective of retelling traditional myths and based on the need to build a local Chinese "IP Cinematic Universe", this article discusses the narrative flaws of this movie from four aspects. This article analyzes individual cases and tries to sort out the narrative elements of retelling traditional myths in Chinese animated films. Firstly, the concept of the "Fengshen Universe", which is currently being discussed in China, is compared with the more mature Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and how female characters are portrayed under the premise of constructing the "IP Cinematic Universe" is presented. The "Fengshen Universe" concept is compared to the more mature the MCU. Then, based on the evolution of Nezha in mythology and the logic of commercial narratives, we discuss the setting and portrayal of protagonists and villains. Third, we analyze the need for animated films to incorporate a space for realism in the narrative retelling of myths. Finally, it discusses integrating the postmodern landscape into the narrative of retold myths in Chinese animated mythological films. This paper concludes that retelling traditional myths in Chinese animated films is not a retelling of ancient stories nor an arbitrary dissolution and parody of myths. Still, it is necessary to endow traditional myths with contemporary contexts and realist meanings through narratives.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 2184-3090
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.579540ed82e448cfbfb98e992e542ecd
ISSN: 21843090
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals