Academic Journal

Review of Immigrant Agency: Hmong American Movements and The Politics of Racialized Incorporation by Yang Sao Xiong, Rutgers University Press, 2022.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Review of Immigrant Agency: Hmong American Movements and The Politics of Racialized Incorporation by Yang Sao Xiong, Rutgers University Press, 2022.
Authors: Yang Lor
Source: Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 24, Iss 1, Pp 1-7 (2022)
Subject Terms: hmong american, politics, racialization, social movements, Social sciences and state - Asia (Asian studies only), H53
Publisher Information: Hmong Studies Journal, 2022.
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: LCC:Social sciences and state - Asia (Asian studies only)
Description: This article provides a book review of Immigrant Agency: Hmong American Movements and the Politics of Racialized Incorporation by Yang Sao Xiong.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 1091-1774
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.5cc9421b7b2540899da0119846a193fa
ISSN: 10911774
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals