Academic Journal

Features of Precedent Units Functioning in Russian Media Discourse (on the Example of «Argonauts», «Golden Fleece», «Jason»)

Bibliographic Details
Title: Features of Precedent Units Functioning in Russian Media Discourse (on the Example of «Argonauts», «Golden Fleece», «Jason»)
Authors: Anna N. Mishchenko
Source: Izvestiâ Ûžnogo Federalʹnogo Universiteta: Filologičeskie Nauki, Vol 2020, Iss 4, Pp 107-114 (2020)
Subject Terms: precedent unit, precedent situation, ancient greek mythology, golden fleece, argonauts, media discourse, Philology. Linguistics, P1-1091
Publisher Information: Sourthern Federal University, 2020.
Publication Year: 2020
Collection: LCC:Philology. Linguistics
Description: The article is devoted to the study of precedent units with the source «ancient Greek mythology», which have the potential to broadcast the linguistic and cultural features of a particular community, the recognition of which influences the success of intercultural communication. The work provides a comprehensive analysis of the precedent units included in the cycle «The History of the Golden Fleece», namely «Argonauts», «Golden Fleece», «Jason» in the texts of Russian-language media. In the article the author argues that the change in the semantics of constructions occurs not only at the denotative, but also at the connotative, pragmatic level, where the studied precedent units acquire new semantic features. The analysis of the functioning features of the precedent units included in the «History of the Golden Fleece» cycle allows us to establish the linguistic mechanisms of their «deployment» in the media discourse and come to the conclusion about the specifics of the fragment of the worldview, fixed in mythologized precedent phenomena.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 1995-0640
DOI: 10.18522/1995-0640-2020-4-107-114
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.7329da8b734146baadebadaf4abd3d3b
ISSN: 1995064023121343
DOI: 10.18522/1995-0640-2020-4-107-114
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals