Academic Journal

A survey on the medical science articles published in Persian language 2021 in order to identify their compliance with article writing standards and the correct use of statistical analysis methods in reporting results

Bibliographic Details
Title: A survey on the medical science articles published in Persian language 2021 in order to identify their compliance with article writing standards and the correct use of statistical analysis methods in reporting results
Authors: Zahra Asadollahi, Mohsen Rezaeian, Hasan Ahmadinia, Alireza Taherifard
Source: Majallah-i Zanān, Māmā̓ī va Nāzā̓ī-i Īrān, Vol 26, Iss 6, Pp 37-49 (2023)
Subject Terms: articlewriting standards, medical science articles, persian journals, statistical errors, Gynecology and obstetrics, RG1-991
Publisher Information: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, 2023.
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: LCC:Gynecology and obstetrics
Description: Introduction: All the results obtained from medical research are reliable when they are examined using correct statistical tests along with checking the assumptions of the test and the accuracy of factors such as sample size, randomization, and standard measurement tools. Therefore, the present study was performed with aim to identify the extent of the articles' compliance with the essay writing standards and the correct use of statistical methods in the results reporting. Methods: In this descriptive study, from all Persian-language journals that had a scientific-research score in 2021, 300 articles were selected with a multi-stage sampling method. Then, the study questionnaire was designed and was completed each article after assessing its validity and reliability. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 18) and Two-sample t-test. P
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: Persian
ISSN: 1680-2993
DOI: 10.22038/ijogi.2023.23241
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.735a94b6c5324995a7936b24c892a887
ISSN: 1680299320082363
DOI: 10.22038/ijogi.2023.23241
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals