Academic Journal

‘Art historians and their textual behaviour’. Review of: Sam Rose: Interpreting Art, London: UCL Press, 2022

Bibliographic Details
Title: ‘Art historians and their textual behaviour’. Review of: Sam Rose: Interpreting Art, London: UCL Press, 2022
Authors: Branko Mitrović
Source: Journal of Art Historiography, Vol 27, Pp 27-BM1 (2022)
Subject Terms: sam rose, art history writing, artists as authors, contexts of artworks, reception of artworks, complexity in art history writing, depth in art history writing, Arts in general, NX1-820, Anthropology, GN1-890
Publisher Information: Department of Art History, University of Birmingham, 2022.
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: LCC:Arts in general
Description: Sam Rose’s book analyses techniques that art historians and art critics use when they write about artworks. These techniques concentrate on five ‘features’ of art-theoretical analysis: authors, contexts, reception, complexity and depth. The analysis that Rose presents is based on an exceptionally extensive survey of art historical literature. At the same time, the book leaves it unclear whether these ‘features’ serve the purpose of acquiring and conveying knowledge about artworks or should we assume that they are merely constitutive of art-historical writing without contributing to art historical knowledge or its transmission.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 2042-4752
DOI: 10.48352/uobxjah.00004184
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.782c685d20294871bfa0f2d8487f20cd
ISSN: 20424752
DOI: 10.48352/uobxjah.00004184
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals