Academic Journal

Denial Versus Betrayal: A Case Study Analysis of Simon Peter and Judas Iscariot in the Fourth Gospel

Bibliographic Details
Title: Denial Versus Betrayal: A Case Study Analysis of Simon Peter and Judas Iscariot in the Fourth Gospel
Authors: Dan Lioy
Source: Conspectus, Vol 32, Pp 125-143 (2021)
Subject Terms: simon peter, judas iscariot, synoptic gospels, fourth gospel, denial, betrayal, suicide, repentance, restoration, Practical religion. The Christian life, BV4485-5099
Publisher Information: South African Theological Seminary, 2021.
Publication Year: 2021
Collection: LCC:Practical religion. The Christian life
Description: This journal article undertakes a case study analysis of Simon Peter and Judas Iscariot in the Fourth Gospel. A review of the extant academic literature indicates this is a relevant lacuna, one meriting further consideration. Methodologically, the article situates the endeavor within the context of the Synoptic Gospels. This is followed by a descriptive analysis of the Fourth Gospel’s portrait of Peter and Judas, respectively. The wrap-up to the essay undertakes a theological and pastoral assessment of Peter’s denial versus Judas’s betrayal of Jesus. The major claim is that Peter experienced a restoration and reinstatement as the Savior’s disciple, whereas Judas endured despair, remorse, and suicide. While the underlying premise might appear to be self-evident, the reason for these two radically different outcomes is far from obvious. Seminal to this study is a consideration of 2 Corinthians 7:10–11, which provides theological insight concerning the divergent ends experienced by two of Jesus’s most iconic disciples.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 1996-8167
DOI: 10.54725/conspectus.2021.2.7
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.79c818e63f99473691ffd40a48f76c3a
ISSN: 19968167
DOI: 10.54725/conspectus.2021.2.7
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals