Academic Journal

A study on the influence of the spread of Yangming Studies in Japan on the psychology of the Japanese people based on big data analysis

Bibliographic Details
Title: A study on the influence of the spread of Yangming Studies in Japan on the psychology of the Japanese people based on big data analysis
Authors: Liu Hongyan
Source: Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, Vol 9, Iss 1 (2024)
Subject Terms: big data analysis, em algorithm, yangming studies, knowledge and action, japanese people, 62-07, Mathematics, QA1-939
Publisher Information: Sciendo, 2024.
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: LCC:Mathematics
Description: The analysis of the psychological impact of the spread of Yangming studies in Japan on the Japanese people is to enable Yangming studies to be better developed in Japan. Based on big data analysis technology, this paper constructs a hybrid data analysis model using the EM algorithm and proposes performance evaluation indexes for the model. Under the EM data analysis model constructed in this paper, the example indicators of the Japanese people’s psychological impact in disseminating Yangming studies by big data analysis are explored, i.e., the psychological acceptability of the dissemination method and the psychological and moral construction impact. Regarding the dissemination method, the Japanese people are more receptive to disseminating Yangming studies in Japan through “learning rules”, with an average percentage of 39.37%. Regarding psychological and moral construction, 90.22% of the Japanese people believe that disseminating Yangming studies can promote self-improvement of value standards and correct self-examination. Based on the big data analysis, we can effectively see from the data the impact of Yangming studies on the audience in the process of dissemination, and improve the scope of Yangming studies dissemination according to the data feedback, so that more people can recognize the idea of unity of knowledge and action.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 2444-8656
DOI: 10.2478/amns.2023.1.00083
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Accession Number: edsdoj.7e66945367d4f3b912d3f44aa441064
ISSN: 24448656
DOI: 10.2478/amns.2023.1.00083
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals