Academic Journal

Review of Thomas Irvine. 2021. Listening to China: Sound and the Sino-Western Encounter, 1770–1839 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)

Bibliographic Details
Title: Review of Thomas Irvine. 2021. Listening to China: Sound and the Sino-Western Encounter, 1770–1839 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)
Authors: Samuel Cheney
Source: Asian-European Music Research Journal, Vol 12, Pp 109-114 (2023)
Subject Terms: Music, M1-5000
Publisher Information: Logos Verlag Berlin, 2023.
Publication Year: 2023
Collection: LCC:Music
Description: This essay reviews Thomas Irvine’s 2021 book “Listening to China: Sound and the Sino-Western Encounter, 1770–1839”. The author highlights the central tenets of Irvine’s work (published by the University of Chicago Press), and considers its implications for histories of Sino-Western cultural exchange more broadly.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 2625-378X
DOI: 10.30819/aemr.12-10&lng=deu&id=
DOI: 10.30819/aemr.12-10
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.929531b9762d4aa5bff50712379e8622
ISSN: 2625378X
DOI: 10.30819/aemr.12-10&lng=deu&id=
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals