Academic Journal

Digital Palimpsests: Mark in Trinity College Cambridge MS. O.9.27

Bibliographic Details
Title: Digital Palimpsests: Mark in Trinity College Cambridge MS. O.9.27
Authors: Batovici Dan
Source: Open Theology, Vol 5, Iss 1, Pp 107-115 (2019)
Subject Terms: palimpsest, gospel of mark, lectionary, Religion (General), BL1-50
Publisher Information: De Gruyter, 2019.
Publication Year: 2019
Collection: LCC:Religion (General)
Description: The O.9.27 manuscript of Trinity College Cambridge is a minuscule manuscript of Hesiod’s Opera et Dies. In a 2001 PhD thesis on Greek palimpsests in Cambridge by Natalie Tchernetska, this manuscript is described to contain two distinct lower scripts, one of which identified as a New Testament text. The author read four lines and a partial fifth of the one-leaf palimpsest that contain Mark 1:44, which is remarkable considering that the washing made the lower script virtually the same colour as the page. This note re-examines the Markan lower script in O.9.27 and offers an account of the use of image processing software for the purpose to uncover more text in a difficult palimpsest, a method useful when MSI is not available.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 2300-6579
DOI: 10.1515/opth-2019-0008
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.b11f00806af4176beb18fb3443ad843
ISSN: 23006579
DOI: 10.1515/opth-2019-0008
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals