Academic Journal

Dentists, members of the French Resistance movement during the World War II

Bibliographic Details
Title: Dentists, members of the French Resistance movement during the World War II
Authors: Sergiu Drafta, Mihai Burlibasa, Viorel Perieanu, Raluca Costea, Oana Eftene, Nicoleta Maru, Andreea Angela Stetiu, Madalina Perieanu, Mirela Veronica Bucur, Irina Adriana Beuran, Madalina Malita, Magdalena Natalia Dina, Ioana-Cristina Neagoe, Dana Cristina Bodnar, Radu Costea, Camelia Ionescu
Source: Romanian Medical Journal, Vol 69, Iss 1, Pp 35-39 (2022)
Subject Terms: french resistance, dentists, german occupation troops, Medicine (General), R5-920, Surgery, RD1-811
Publisher Information: Amaltea Medical Publishing House, 2022.
Publication Year: 2022
Collection: LCC:Medicine (General)
Description: The Resistance was a reaffirmation of France's independence and individuality, as well as a struggle to regain freedom and, above all, national integrity. In fact, many historians appreciate that the French Resistance could have achieved more if it had been more effectively integrated into Allied plans and strategies. Thus, in this material we tried to present some short biographies of dentists who worked in the French Resistance against the German occupation troops, some of them even paying with their lives for the courage they showed.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 1220-5478
DOI: 10.37897/RMJ.2022.1.7
Access URL:
Accession Number: edsdoj.b9b3dbc10aec4ad7acecca7dec68d7f4
ISSN: 122054782069606X
DOI: 10.37897/RMJ.2022.1.7
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals