Academic Journal

Audio Description Technology: Enhancing Communication of Culture-Bound Elements in Films

Bibliographic Details
Title: Audio Description Technology: Enhancing Communication of Culture-Bound Elements in Films
Authors: Ghazaaleh Homayouni, Masood Khoshsaligheh
Source: Journal of Business, Communication and Technology, Vol 3, Iss 1, Pp 66-84 (2024)
Subject Terms: audio description technology, communication, media, audio describers, translation, Business, HF5001-6182, Communication. Mass media, P87-96, Technology
Publisher Information: Gulf College, 2024.
Publication Year: 2024
Collection: LCC:Business
LCC:Communication. Mass media
Description: Audio description (AD) technology, as a means of audiovisual translation (AVT), provides media accessibility (MA) for blind and partially sighted audiences. Through this innovative technology, the audio describer engages in real-time communication and gives a running commentary on the visual elements that are seen on the screen. The intersection of communication and technology in translation as reflected in how culture-bound elements are addressed in AVT has lately gained increasing attention. This phenomenological research aims to describe the solutions audio describers resort to for the rendition of culture-bound elements in Anglophone films into Persian. The audio descriptions of four Persian-dubbed English-language films were purposively selected as the sample corpus. The findings revealed that communication-centric strategies of specification, naming, and retention are, respectively, the most applied in the process of communicating the English culture-bound elements across the target culture by the audio describers. The implications of the findings for practice and theory are discussed.
Document Type: article
File Description: electronic resource
Language: English
ISSN: 2791-3775
DOI: 10.56632/bct.2024.3106
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Accession Number: edsdoj.fa8af99cf24b268b9eec6d3d175bce
ISSN: 27913775
DOI: 10.56632/bct.2024.3106
Database: Directory of Open Access Journals