
Outdoor co-operative control of multiple quadcopters using decentralized GPS localisation

Bibliographic Details
Title: Outdoor co-operative control of multiple quadcopters using decentralized GPS localisation
Authors: Limbu, Narendra, Ahuja, Indrajit, Sonar, Harshal, Solanki, Sudeep, Jain, Soniya, Chung, Hoam, Chakraborty, Debraj
Source: 2015 10th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo) Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo), 2015 10th International Workshop on. :1-6 Jul, 2015
Relation: 2015 10th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo)
DOI: 10.1109/RoMoCo.2015.7219705
Database: IEEE Xplore Digital Library