
The Electrification of Kharkiv City at the End of ХIX – at the Beginning of ХX Century

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Electrification of Kharkiv City at the End of ХIX – at the Beginning of ХX Century
Authors: Gutnyk, Maryna, Tverytnykova, Elena, Radohuz, Serhii, Krylenko, Ivan, Tkachenko, Svitlana
Source: IEEE EUROCON 2021 - 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies Smart Technologies, IEEE EUROCON 2021 - 19th International Conference on. :582-586 Jul, 2021
Relation: IEEE EUROCON 2021 - 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies
DOI: 10.1109/EUROCON52738.2021.9535540
Database: IEEE Xplore Digital Library