Academic Journal

A few good men? Moderate reflections from a martyr, an insider and a cigar smoker: Joshua Black review of Malcolm Turnbull, A Bigger Picture: With New Foreword; Christopher Pyne, The Insider: The Scoops, the Scandals and the Serious Business within the Canberra Bubble; Joe Hockey with Leo Shanahan, Diplomatic: A Washington Memoir

Bibliographic Details
Title: A few good men? Moderate reflections from a martyr, an insider and a cigar smoker: Joshua Black review of Malcolm Turnbull, A Bigger Picture: With New Foreword; Christopher Pyne, The Insider: The Scoops, the Scandals and the Serious Business within the Canberra Bubble; Joe Hockey with Leo Shanahan, Diplomatic: A Washington Memoir
Source: Australian Journal of Biography and History, No. 8, Feb 2024, 193-205
Contributors: Black, Joshua
ISSN: 22099522
DOI: 10.3316/informit.T2024031400021200203006667
Database: Informit Collections