Academic Journal

Association of physical performance and sarcopenia with use of health services in elderly people living in rural riverside areas in the Amazon: A cross-sectional study

Bibliographic Details
Title: Association of physical performance and sarcopenia with use of health services in elderly people living in rural riverside areas in the Amazon: A cross-sectional study
Authors: Queiroz, Aline Melo, Estrazulas, Jansen Atier, Garnelo, Luiza, Siqueira, Jordana Herzog, Fonseca, Fernanda Rodrigues, Herkrath, Fernando J
Source: Rural and Remote Health, Vol. 23, No. 4, Dec 2023, 1-13
ISSN: 14456354
DOI: 10.3316/informit.T2024042400007000622441818
Database: Informit Collections