Religion and Social Policy . Edited by Paula D. Nesbitt . AltaMira Press , 2001. 304 pages. $69.00 cloth; $26.95 paper.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Religion and Social Policy . Edited by Paula D. Nesbitt . AltaMira Press , 2001. 304 pages. $69.00 cloth; $26.95 paper.
Authors: Dallam, Marie W.
Source: Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, 2009 May . 12(4), 127-129.
Relation: Religion and Social Policy . Edited by Paula D. Nesbitt . AltaMira Press , 2001. 304 pages. $69.00 cloth; $26.95 paper.
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ISSN: 1092669015418480
DOI: 10.1525/nr.2009.12.4.127
Database: JSTOR Journals