Graves, Michael . Preaching the Inward Light: Early Quaker Rhetoric (Studies in Rhetoric and Religion 9) . : Baylor University Press , 2009 . 450 pp. ISBN: 9781602582408

Bibliographic Details
Title: Graves, Michael . Preaching the Inward Light: Early Quaker Rhetoric (Studies in Rhetoric and Religion 9) . : Baylor University Press , 2009 . 450 pp. ISBN: 9781602582408
Source: Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, 2012 Nov . 30(4), 445-447.
Relation: Graves, Michael . Preaching the Inward Light: Early Quaker Rhetoric (Studies in Rhetoric and Religion 9) . : Baylor University Press , 2009 . 450 pp. ISBN: 9781602582408
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ISSN: 0734858415338541
DOI: 10.1525/rh.2012.30.4.445
Database: JSTOR Journals