River City and Valley Life: An Environmental History of the Sacramento Region . History of the Urban Environment Series. Edited by Christopher J. Castaneda and Lee M. A. Simpson . (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013. viii + 406 pp. Illustrations, maps, table, notes, index. $27.95, paper.)

Bibliographic Details
Title: River City and Valley Life: An Environmental History of the Sacramento Region . History of the Urban Environment Series. Edited by Christopher J. Castaneda and Lee M. A. Simpson . (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013. viii + 406 pp. Illustrations, maps, table, notes, index. $27.95, paper.)
Source: Western Historical Quarterly, 2014 Dec 01. 45(4), 484-485.
Relation: River City and Valley Life: An Environmental History of the Sacramento Region . History of the Urban Environment Series. Edited by Christopher J. Castaneda and Lee M. A. Simpson . (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013. viii + 406 pp. Illustrations, maps, table, notes, index. $27.95, paper.)
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/westhistquar.45.4.0484a
ISSN: 0043381019398603
DOI: 10.2307/westhistquar.45.4.0484a
Database: JSTOR Journals