Dangerous Dreamers: The Australian Anti-Democratic Left and Czechoslovak Agents , iUniverse, New York, 2010. pp 387. $36.95 paper. Peter Hruby

Bibliographic Details
Title: Dangerous Dreamers: The Australian Anti-Democratic Left and Czechoslovak Agents , iUniverse, New York, 2010. pp 387. $36.95 paper. Peter Hruby
Source: LABOUR HISTORY A Journal of Labour and Social History, 2011 Nov 01(101), 224-226.
Relation: Dangerous Dreamers: The Australian Anti-Democratic Left and Czechoslovak Agents , iUniverse, New York, 2010. pp 387. $36.95 paper. Peter Hruby
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5263/labourhistory.101.0224
ISSN: 00236942
DOI: 10.5263/labourhistory.101.0224
Database: JSTOR Journals