Predicting the Past in the Ancient Near East: Mantic Historiography in Ancient Mesopotamia, Judah, and the Mediterranean World. (Brown Judaic Studies.) MATTHEW NEUJAHR

Bibliographic Details
Title: Predicting the Past in the Ancient Near East: Mantic Historiography in Ancient Mesopotamia, Judah, and the Mediterranean World. (Brown Judaic Studies.) MATTHEW NEUJAHR
Authors: Wainer, Zackary M.
Source: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 2014 Jan 01. 77(1), 195-196.
Relation: Predicting the Past in the Ancient Near East: Mantic Historiography in Ancient Mesopotamia, Judah, and the Mediterranean World. (Brown Judaic Studies.) MATTHEW NEUJAHR
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ISSN: 0041977X14740699
Database: JSTOR Journals