Upper Hands Piano: A Method For Adults 50+ to spark the mind, heart and soul, Book 4 Schoen Gaili Bateman Melinda Cohn-Sheehy Brendan

Bibliographic Details
Title: Upper Hands Piano: A Method For Adults 50+ to spark the mind, heart and soul, Book 4 Schoen Gaili Bateman Melinda Cohn-Sheehy Brendan
Authors: Scherer, Julia
Source: American Music Teacher, 2017 Feb 01. 66(4), 63-63.
Relation: Upper Hands Piano: A Method For Adults 50+ to spark the mind, heart and soul, Book 4 Schoen Gaili Bateman Melinda Cohn-Sheehy Brendan
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26387622
ISSN: 00030112
Database: JSTOR Journals