McGregor, Robert Kuhn . A Calculus of Color: The Integration of Baseball's American League . Jefferson : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers , 2015 , Pp. 214 . Notes, bibliography, index. $39.95 , pb.

Bibliographic Details
Title: McGregor, Robert Kuhn . A Calculus of Color: The Integration of Baseball's American League . Jefferson : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers , 2015 , Pp. 214 . Notes, bibliography, index. $39.95 , pb.
Authors: Bennett, Robert A.
Source: Journal of Sport History, 2016 Apr 01. 43(1), 129-131.
Relation: McGregor, Robert Kuhn . A Calculus of Color: The Integration of Baseball's American League . Jefferson : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers , 2015 , Pp. 214 . Notes, bibliography, index. $39.95 , pb.
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ISSN: 0094170021558450
DOI: 10.5406/jsporthistory.43.1.129
Database: JSTOR Journals