Encyclopedia of the Kennedys: The People and Events That Shaped America . By Joseph M. Siracusa .: ABC-CLIO , 2012 . 3 vols. acid free $294 (ISBN: 9781598845389). E-book available (ISBN: 9781598845396), call for pricing .

Bibliographic Details
Title: Encyclopedia of the Kennedys: The People and Events That Shaped America . By Joseph M. Siracusa .: ABC-CLIO , 2012 . 3 vols. acid free $294 (ISBN: 9781598845389). E-book available (ISBN: 9781598845396), call for pricing .
Authors: Young, Elizabeth A.
Source: Reference and User Services Quarterly, 2013 Mar 01. 52(3), 266-266.
Relation: Encyclopedia of the Kennedys: The People and Events That Shaped America . By Joseph M. Siracusa .: ABC-CLIO , 2012 . 3 vols. acid free $294 (ISBN: 9781598845389). E-book available (ISBN: 9781598845396), call for pricing .
Access URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/refuseserq.52.3.266
ISSN: 1094905421635242
Database: JSTOR Journals