Proceedings of Symposium on Paramedical Education and Career Mobility (Evergreen Park, Ill., June 6 and 7, 1968).

Bibliographic Details
Title: Proceedings of Symposium on Paramedical Education and Career Mobility (Evergreen Park, Ill., June 6 and 7, 1968).
Authors: Illinois Regional Medical Program, Chicago., American Association of Junior Colleges, Washington, DC.
Abstract: The conference focused upon two objectives: (1) exploration of the concepts of core curriculum and career mobility, and (2) examination of new avenues of approach to problems of health manpower shortages. Speeches presented in the document are: (1) "Career Mobility in the Allied Health Occupations" by Joseph Kadish, (2) "Paramedical Crazy Quilt" by Thomas Hale, (3) "Team Approach to Health Care" by Everett Belote, (4) "Changing Patterns in Education" by Vernon Wilson, (5) "Recent Legislation in Medical Education" by Edward J. Derwinski, (6) "Health Education Centers--Community College View" by Kenneth G. Skaggs, (7) "Core Curriculum and Mobility" by Robert E. Turner, (8) "Role of the American Medical Association in Paramedical Education" by C.H. William Ruhe, and (9) "Role of American Hospital Association in Paramedical Education" by Frederick N. Elliott. A panel discussion, "New Concepts of Health Education" is also presented. (JK)
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 135
Publication Date: 1968
Sponsoring Agency: Public Health Service (DHEW), Rockville, MD.
Descriptors: Allied Health Occupations, Allied Health Occupations Education, Community Colleges, Conference Reports, Core Curriculum, Federal Legislation, Interdisciplinary Approach, Occupational Mobility
Journal Code: RIEMAY1970
Entry Date: 1970
Accession Number: ED035723
Database: ERIC