Projection Techniques for Manpower Planning in Small Areas.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Projection Techniques for Manpower Planning in Small Areas.
Authors: Tabbarah, Riad B., Tennessee State Planning Commission, Nashville.
Abstract: This methodology was developed to obtain sound population and industrial projections for Tennessee, but should be applicable for any small area. The large volume of data required the use of computers, and the nine programs are reproduced in full. The methodology is designed to point out manpower problems which would arise in a region if the demographic trends of the base periods are continued to the projection dates. Included in the computer programs are: (1) an employment projection program, (2) population and labor force projection programs, (3) an industry projection program, and (4) an occupational program. The related study for which this methodology was developed is available as VT 011 976 in this issue. (Author/JS)
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 142
Publication Date: 1966
Sponsoring Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC.
Report Number: TSPC-Pub-351
Descriptors: Computer Programs, Employment, Employment Projections, Labor Force, Occupational Surveys, Population Distribution, Population Growth, Research Methodology
Journal Code: RIEAPR1971
Entry Date: 1971
Accession Number: ED045819
Database: ERIC