
Women's Studies at Empire State College.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Women's Studies at Empire State College.
Authors: Lester, Virginia L., State Univ. of New York, Saratoga Springs. Empire State Coll.
Abstract: Because of the unique program of Empire State College, the problem of providing compensatory courses about women and developing a strategy for eventually having them incorporated into the curriculum of a discipline has been avoided. The focus at this college has been taken from the teacher and placed on the student, giving the student the primary voice in what he is to study and how. Toward this end learning tools developed by the college are printed booklets called modules, written around a specific body of knowledge, area of inquiry, or problem. The first of these modules to reach the presses was entitled An Introduction to Women's Studies and was a consciousness-raising piece. And as typical of all modules it used history, sociology, literature, mythology, and some psychoanalytical theory to approach the problem. The second module was entitled Women in the 17th Century. This module was designed for students who wanted to investigate the history of women in America, but it is also used by students interested in colonial and/or social history. Other modules related to Women in the 17th Century are the Myth of Courty Love and Witchcraft in America. The author then continues to discuss the women's studies program at Empire State College and the college's innovative learning environment. (Author/PG)
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 15
Publication Date: 1973
Document Type: Speeches/Meeting Papers
Descriptors: Curriculum Development, Educational Innovation, Females, Higher Education, Individualized Instruction, Interdisciplinary Approach, Student Centered Curriculum, Womens Studies
Entry Date: 1975
Accession Number: ED104222
Database: ERIC