Paper Preservation: Nature, Extent, & Recommendations. Occasional Papers. Number 171.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Paper Preservation: Nature, Extent, & Recommendations. Occasional Papers. Number 171.
Authors: Westbrook, Lynn, Illinois Univ., Urbana. Graduate School of Library and Information Science.
Abstract: This paper provides clarification of issues important to the preservation of paper materials and presents practical steps for any librarian to take in preserving the library collection. In order to deal with a manageable subsection of this complex issue, the paper concentrates on three interrelated aspects of paper preservation: the nature of the problem, the extent of the damage, and recommendations for action. An examination of the problem discusses the causes of deterioration, the validity of current scientific methods of preservation, various complicating factors, and current tools available for creating a solution. A consideration of the extent of the problem covers examining the useful life of an item, determining how many books need immediate attention, and estimating costs involved in preservation. Recommendations for future action include microforming materials, full involvement by librarians in planning, and developing local and national plans. Appendices contain a directory of supply companies, a chronology of paper from circa 105 AD to 1981, an extensive reference list, and the author's vita. (THC)
Language: English
Availability: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Publications Office, 249 Armory Building, 505 E. Armory Street, Champaign, IL 61820 ($3.00 per issue, $13.00 year's subscription).
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 79
Publication Date: 1985
Document Type: Information Analyses
Opinion Papers
Reports - Descriptive
Descriptors: Books, Cooperative Planning, Librarians, Library Collections, Library Education, Library Materials, Library Planning, Methods, Microforms, Paper (Material), Preservation, Prevention, Repair
Entry Date: 1986
Accession Number: ED265877
Database: ERIC