National Review of TAFE Teacher Preparation and Development: Discussion Paper.

Bibliographic Details
Title: National Review of TAFE Teacher Preparation and Development: Discussion Paper.
Authors: TAFE National Centre for Research and Development, Ltd., Leabrook (Australia).
Abstract: A national review of TAFE (Technical and Further Education) teacher preparation and development identified the skills and competencies that will be required of full-time TAFE teachers in the 1990s and those held by present full-time TAFE teachers in Australia. A questionnaire received 594 responses (a 50% response rate). Teachers reported their perceptions regarding their skills in seven categories: teaching; curriculum development; determining clients needs and industrial liaison; management/administration; updating own subject; workplace context; and general personal qualities. A two-stage Delphi survey of experts identified teacher skills and competencies for the 1990s. Results from all research techniques indicated that teaching-related skills featured very prominently but that the gap between present and future required skills was small. Curriculum development areas identified as becoming prominent were those that showed large skill shortfalls. The gap between future requirements and current expertise in determining client needs and industry liaison was the largest among the seven categories of skills. Teachers undertook considerable administrative tasks and expected this area to require a higher level of skills. Updating vocational and practical expertise was a high priority for TAFE teachers. The extent and importance of workplace-related knowledge was emphasized. The category of personal qualities showed not only the highest perceived level of current skills but also the highest level of required skills for the 1990s. (YLB)
Language: English
Availability: TAFE National Centre for Research and Development, 252 Kensington Road, Leabrook, South Australia 5068.
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 27
Publication Date: 1990
Sponsoring Agency: Australian Dept. of Employment, Education and Training, Canberra.
Document Type: Reports - Research
Descriptors: Curriculum Development, Educational Administration, Faculty Development, Foreign Countries, Futures (of Society), Job Skills, National Surveys, Needs Assessment, Postsecondary Education, Prediction, Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Education, Teacher Evaluation, Teacher Improvement, Teacher Qualifications, Teaching Skills, Technical Education, Vocational Education, Vocational Education Teachers
ISBN: 978-0-86397-291-1
Entry Date: 1991
Accession Number: ED333217
Database: ERIC